Announcing new partnership with ClickGem Casino

ELAC is now available to play on ClickGem Casino! (
ClickGem Casino is an online gambling platform that users can directly play with real money including all the currencies (I.e. fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies). Each game server supports the players to enjoy the game with each currency supported by ClickGem multi-currency wallet.
ClickGem project has been developing a complex ecosystem for all fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies.
ClickGem core application is a combination of:
- A multi-currency digital wallet which can store almost of currencies includes Fiat currencies such as USD, EUR, etc… and cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH, CGM, etc…
- A mix-exchange platform is the combination of a cryptocurrency exchange with a Fiat currency exchange (traditional currency exchange / Forex): it can support to exchange cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency, Fiat currency — Fiat currency, and cross-exchange cryptocurrency — Fiat currency (and vice versa).
- A Paygate (payment gateway) which closely integrated with the multi-currency digital wallet and mix-exchange platform, this combined system can process both payment transaction and currency exchange at the same time. This combined system can also support to pay and receive payment with most of currencies around the world including fiat currencies (such as USD, EUR, etc…) and cryptocurrencies (such as BTC, ETH, CGM, etc…): Sellers can designate any fixed currency they wish to receive while buyers can pay with any currency they having in their multi-currency wallet >> View Detail; Using ClickGem cryptocurrency (CGM) for payment will incur fewer fees than other currencies!
Try out online casino games with ELAC and take a chance today!
Elamachain Website:
ClickGem Casino:
Trading ELAC on DigiFinex:
ETH Address: 0x6308FD081045711F193C53C35544F991eFB71CB1


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