is a solution for investors and traders in the world. is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #1


As you know, the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency does not stand still, but moves forward. There are lots of different coins, ICO startups, crypto exchanges, blockchain platforms and so on. The number of crypto fans has also increased. In general, we are moving towards something new and unusual. And today we will talk to you about an interesting and promising platform called is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #2

What is IQ Cash? is a unique global platform on the blockchain, made for investors, traders and miners. The main purpose of this platform is to provide real-time payments, anonymous, and real-time investment for crypto enthusiasts.Cryptocurrency has millions of active users around the world and the number of people is continuing growing rapidly.
IQCash team has developed and created Masternode network IQ for Traders, investors and miners.
Now traders can trade IQ on cryptoexchanges, investors owning 3000 IQ can get passive income of 57% from the block, and miners get 37% from the block. The remaining 6% of DAO is used to finance approved projects in trading (software, web sites, algorithmic trading systems, startups, improvement of IQCASH ECOSYSTEM) provided by traders.
Part of Masternodes are airdropped and will be airdropped among the clients and sponsors FINEXPO projects (leading brokers, banks, financial and investment companies, exchanges, payment systems and etc.). Active Promotion will be made at all Events. is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #3
This will allow IQCASH to become a leader in the crypto industry and hold maximizing efficiency and privacy payments among the largest financial companies.
IQ CASH Universal, scalable blockchain platform for Traders, Investor & Miners: 57% to Masternodes, 37% to Miners and 6% to DAO (traders projects)
The IQ.Cash blockchain platform uses a mix of Proof-of-Work (PoW) and Masternode technology suitable for miners and investors to generate some income stream. The IQ.Cash platform splits its block rewards – 57% allocation to masternodes and 37% to miners. The remaining 6% is reserved for DAO that will be used to finance projects in trading.
For example, traders can trade the IQ token on several cryptocurrency exchanges in the market. In such a case, 6% of block rewards shall be used for website developments, software developments, startups, algorithmic trading systems and the overall improvement of IQ.Cash ecosystem.

Why do people use IQ Cash is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #4

Understanding IQ.Cash’s reward distribution mechanism

As stated, the IQ.Cash blockchain network distributes block rewards and profits to the miners and masternodes. It also keeps a small portion of other project development costs.
The miner rewards are the rewards distributed to the miners for adding new blocks or approving the transactions to the network. The other rewards are Masternode rewards given to MasterNode owners.
Anyone can become an IQ.Cash masternode owner by depositing 3000 IQ tokens as commission. The Masternode are majorly like the normal nodes that look after the smooth functioning of the network, however, with the additional responsibility of server assistance and server security. It also looks after network integrity, anonymity as well as the speed of transactions. is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #5

As per IQ.Cash, a masternode owner can make 350-400% profits on the investments made. One can become a masternode by following five simple steps.

  • Purchase 3,000 IQ or better 3,001. The extra 1 IQ token will be spent on the transaction commission
  • Download the Flits App (Android or IOS) for the mobile device.
  • Open an coin wallet in the app.
  • Put 3,001 IQ into the wallet and create a MasterNode server and a deposit
  • Pay the hosting provider service fee at Flits that costs EUR 1.99 per month
Users can use the profits generated for their own need to even re-invest them to purchase more masternode to increase and multiply their income. is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #6

Features of the IQ.Cash Blockchain system

  • Security: The IQ.Cash blockchain platform assures absolute security to its users. The user account can be accessed by the owner only as no one can block their account or access their funds.
  • Besides, the users don’t need to worry about any third-party access to data. The system encrypts complete data while transferring and receiving assets.
  • Anonymity: The IQ.Cash blockchain uses the PrivateSend algorithm that helps users to have completely anonymous transactions.
  • ASIC Resistance: Technology that uses ASIC often faces the issue of network complexity during significant acceleration and growth. The IQ.Cash network solves this problem by using the NeoScrypt algorithm.
  • High Transaction Speed: The IQ.Cash facilitates high-speed transactions through the instantaneous exchange of data across the network using its InstaSend. The network facilitates transactions in just under 5 seconds.
  • Decentralization: The platform provides absolute decentralization while preventing websites that have absolute control

Wallets and Exchanges

The IQ cryptocurrency wallet is available on all three platforms Windows, Mac, and Linux. is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #7

Token Information:

Algorithm: PoW, NeoScrypt (ASIC resistance)
Block time: 120 seconds
Reward per block: 25 IQ
Block Reward Distribution: 57% to Masternodes and 43% to Miners, both fetched from (Reward-6%) formula, where 6% is reserved for DAO system
Block reward get sliced by 12% each year
Max coins: 56 900 000 IQ
Premine: 7 900 000 IQ
Mining out in: 25 years is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #8
Difficulty adjustment: each block (Dark Gravity Wave v3) - starts with 1000 block height
Required coins for masternode: 3 000 IQ
Masternode reward starts with 1000 block height
Privacy: Transactions Obfuscation (PrivateSend)
Fast payments: through InstantSend (InstantSend confirmation: ~5 seconds)
P2P port: 14014/tcp
RPC port: 13013/tcp is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #9


This is a guide to install masternode with your wallet in your home pc and Linux VPS. You will have your coins in your PC and your masternode in VPS won't have your coins. Your masternode will just do the earning rewards. For your home wallet you can use Windows, Mac or even Linux. But on VPS side you have to use Linux, Ubuntu 16.04 recommended.

IQCASH masternode requirements:

- 3000 IQ on balance;
- availability of a dedicated IP-address;
- availability of uninterrupted operation of the system 24/7 (network loss must not exceed 30-60min).
The Masternode owner receives 57% of the reward from each new generated block on the network in the queue order of all Masternode. This is the cost for network maintaining Absolutely any user is able to start IQCASH Masternode, subject to the above conditions. is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #10








BROADCAST MASTERNODE is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #11

Roadmap is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #12

Download wallets for any platform is a solution for investors and traders in the world., gambar #13


IQ.Cash therefore is a platform worth trying. It is a great opportunity for crypto traders to earn a lot. It is flexible as it allows you to be able to trade it's currency on other exchanges using other popular crypto-currency options such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Etherium and so on. Your funds and data are secure and the system is De-centralized.

For more information about IQ.CASH:

Bitcointalk Username: DinahDiyanah Address: Qa17PD5PcFJQgTidfAzvk6J1KrrUeutMeg


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