Burstex.io - World’s First Crowd Owned Cryptocurrency Exchange.



Different innovations keep emerging from blockchain Space in which their motive is to solve some real-life problems. We have witnessed a serious hype in crypto industry in 2017 and now the market is gaining organic growth. Most weak hands have dropped out of Crypto and the market is growing steadily.One major challenges in Crypto
industry is insecurity in our various Exchanges and inadequate infrastructure which will facilitate massive adoption of cryptocurrencies. First, before I move on I
will like to explain what Cryptocurrency Exchanges entails especially to the newbies who have not heard about it before.
Cryptocurrency Exchanges is an online Digital Market place where trading i.e buying and selling of Digital assets take place. Every crypto assets needed an exchange where they could be exchanged for other crypto assets or Fiat. In this article, i will introduce to a game changing innovative Blockchain Powered Cryptocurrency Exchange named Burstex.Burstex has taken a new dimension in Crypto Space. The team of Burstex intends to establish a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange based on Burst blockchain. It is no longer news, how cryptocurrency mining most especially Bitcoin consumes a huge amount of energy.This have both ecological and economical implication which has attracted critics.The Team of Burstex aims to change this imbalance, they are working towards creating Burst blockchain which only work with computing power of hard disk (HDD) unlike Bitcoin and Ethereum that works with processors and Graphics Cards respectively. Hard Disk have lower energy consumption.
The concepts of Burstex blockchain will facilitate mass adoption and motivate more people.

About Burstex

Burstex is the world first decentralized cryptocurrency Exchange that operates on its own blockchain (Burst) Blockchain. It is a Crowd owned Cryptocurrency exchange , which means every profit generated from the exchange shall be distributed among the (BEX) token holders.As I did mention earlier ,Burstex has its own Blockchain which is the fastest and most secure blockchain with a very user-friendly interface. As mentioned earlier, Burst Blockchain uses Hard drive which consumes a very low amount of Energy unlike other Blockchain that utilizes processors and Graphics Card which consume energy excessively. Burstex has potential of achieving million Dollars profits from BEX holders if a small market share is being achieved.
Burst is a decentralized digital exchange platform owned and run by the community of professionals developers.Burst being a low energy consuming Blockchain system will be highly profitable for miners. It is mined using (Proof of Capacity) tech. Mining in Burst Platform is eco friendly and less energy consuming. The blockchain is highly scalable and the Proof Of Capacity Concept allows instant transaction creating huge competition to the existing blockchain system that consumes a high amount of energy.Burst Blockchain is very fast, Secured, highly scalable and reliable.


(i) Government Policies and unlimited regulations is one among the barrier restricting some startup launching their innovative project and deter some investors investing in cryptocurrency which is allowing them missing a good investment opportunity. Burstex is a regulated cryptocurrency exchange and the structure of Burstex Exchange wouldn’t allow any government or tax authority track user’s transaction because of its decentralized nature. Users don’t have to register their identities before they can make use of the platform.
(ii) Many Cryptocurrency Exchanges is lacking infrastructures which will enable traders benefiting maximum utilization of trading resources.Burstex will furnish their users with adequate infrastructure which will enable them trade profitably in Burstex Decentralized exchange. Burstex will provide a user friendly interface where any class of user can interact with the platform with little or no supervision.
(iii) Problem of insecurity associated to Crypto currency Exchanges is another challenges preventing investors entering the crypto space. Alreadily Burstex is a decentralized exchange , users will have full control over their assets through their private keys.
(iv) Few of the existing Crypto Exchanges offer marginl trading and they offer at lowest amount which is a limiting factor for traders as Marginal trading system is a an essential trading system neccessary to make cryptocurrencies a recognized tradeable assets. Different trading system will be made available in Burstex Crypto Exchange .Margin trade will be made available in high volumen wich will make traders profits and benefits a lot.

Final thought

Burstex aims to facilitate mass adoption of cryptocurrency by removing the constraints attached to the existing outdated blockchain system .The existing blockchain system excessive power consumption and ecological implication has atttract so much critics ,hence leading cryptocurrency to no where.Burstex blockchain technology has emerged to change the game by restructuring blockchain system and building an enabling infrastructure which will make it attractive to global audience. Burstex decentralized exchange will be a huge success without doubt . The team of Burstex is willing to raise some funds for the development of the project .Interested investors can join the white list . To get more fact about Burstex Decentralized Exchange , dont hesitate to check the official links below .


Never miss another opportunity, trade on the go with our mobile platform. Compatible with iOS and Android mobile devices. Burstex offers both a browser platform as well as a mobile one.
With mobile becoming the preferred way to use the internet, our goal is to provide our users with a successful on the go trading experience.
The following are the names of our team, along with their rank and work

Andy BelCo-Founder — Head of Marketing

6 years of sales experience and management. Andy started his business venture with sales and marketing, later advancing to experience in managing teams. Discovered cryptocurrencies in 2013 and became a passionate supporter leading him into the world of crypto trading.

Fabio KaraCo-Founder — B2B Relations Manager

Fabio studied Management at Comenius University in Bratislava. During this time, he has already worked as a B2B relations manager for several successful eshops and marketing companies. This has allowed him to grow his own network of businesses and investors. From 2016, Fabio started investing in cryptocurrencies and created his own mining farm.

Eduard GerekCo-Founder — Brand Development

Owner of successful development companies like B.A.S.E. and HAGER which are building houses and flats all across Slovakia. From 2016, started investing in cryptocurrencies, created his own mining farm with more than 800 rigs and I participate in other cryptocurrency projects such as Burst.

Nikhil SethiBusiness & Marketing Advisory

A seasoned marketer with 8+ years in advertising & community building. Associated with Morpheus.Network as Director of Marketing. Previously associated with IBC Group and other successful projects including Blockgrain, Pareto, Lamdenthat and many others that have raised $100 million+.

George Felicita JrCommunity Manager

Worked for 5 years as a Production Manager in the Manufacturing Industry handling people and evaluating processes. Then switched to work as a freelancer and learn about Cryptocurrency. Started as a bounty hunter, worked with top agencies in the crypto industry and studied marketing as well as further helping other blockchain projects.

Rodrigo Salonga JrCommunity Manager

2 years of experience doing management tasks for a Cryptocurrency Exchange. Rodrigo’s previous job included managing: Telegram, Reddit, Facebook and Chat Support. Has have access to 100+ private crypto-related groups and other investor connections.

JaeHong SeoMarketing — Korea

Native Korean speaker who lived in the United States for 10 years, including high school and university. Later working for a UK crypto company as assistant manager for their Korean team. His job was to promote the company in the Korean market, along with managing agents, using social media and domestic Korean websites.

Stefano WolffAmbassador — France

Double Master’s Degree in Marketing & Entrepreneurship. After his Master’s Degree, Stefano worked as regional director’s right hand for Canon. Since then Stefano runs a business in wealth management and encourage investments in green funds and cryptocurrencies.


Bitcointalk Unsername: DinahDiyanah

Account ID: BURST-MXVK-M7G2-G4ES-922XT


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